Уъркшоп „Високопроизводителни изчисления за математиката и нейните приложения“

Wednesday, 28 June 2023 - 09:55

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 Jun 2023
09:55 --- Opening ---
Coding Theory (until 12:20) ()
10:00 Upper Bounds on the Size of (v,6,2,1) and (v,7,2,1) Optical Orthogonal Codes - Ts. Baicheva   ()
10:20 On an Approach for Computing Weight Distribution of Binary Reed-Muller Code - Y. Borissov   ()
10:40 Our Experience with NCHDC Resources, Gained in Finding the Weight Distribution of the Binary Reed-Muller Code R(4; 9) - M. Markov   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:20 A General Construction of Integer Codes Correcting Specific Errors in Binary Communication Channels - N. Manev   ()
11:40 Library for Computing Weight Invariants of Linear Codes Using Vectorization - M. Pashinska-Gadzheva   ()
12:00 Implementation of Some Combinatorial Algorithms and Mathematical Software - I. Bouyukliev   ()
Big Data (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Novel Developments at the HPC Centre of IICT-BAS - E. Atanassov   ()
14:20 HPC Accounting System - S. Jordanov   ()
14:40 On the Low Discrepancy Sequence Generation on Heterogeneous HPC Systems - A. Karaivanova   ()
15:00 On Regime Changes of COVID-19 Outbreak - A. Tchorbadjieff   ()
15:20 Study of the heat and cold bio-climatic indices for the city of Sofia - G. Gadjev   ()
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
Combinatorics (until 17:00) ()
16:00 OBZCP for higher dimensions - P. Kazakov   ()
16:20 On the scalability of two algorithms for construction of parallelisms - S. Zhelezova   ()
16:40 Residue Number Systems with Six Modules and Efficient Circuits based on Power-of-Two Diagonal Modulus - P. Boyvalenkov   ()